FISH FRIES are here! We need your help from setting up the kitchen and dining room, to serving food and drinks, bussing tables, and cleaning up afterward; we need many hands! We have opportunities for children and adults, so bring the entire family! You can sign up to volunteer after all masses in the Gathering Hall. You can also signup using this link: St. Joseph Parish School: Fish Fry Sign Up

Would you consider becoming a FISH FRY SPONSOR? We have many levels, from “Family” all the way up to “Partner”. All sponsor levels include food passes in our express lane! This means you get to skip the lines! We also have levels for businesses that include digital and print promotion with your company name and/or logo! All sponsorships are tax deductible and are used to offset the food and dry goods costs to allow for as much of the profits to go directly back to the school.
2025 St. Joseph Fish Fry Sponsor Form

Thank you for sharing your time, talent, and treasure to make the 2025 Fish Fries a success!  If you have questions, please call the school office (262)375-6505 Ext. 0.