The Hands of Christ
As part of our mission, St. Joseph Parish School gives back to the community through service. In 2023-24 we filled Thanksgiving Baskets for the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry, created handmade bags of Valentines to share with nursing homes, elderly neighbors, first responders, and veterans in Grafton, and collected 88 winter coats for Mr. Bob’s Under the Bridge. In addition, our Middle School Students conduct over 400 hours of community service including helping at the Kapco Christmas Toy Drive, delivering food to food pantries, making sandwiches for St. Bens, and helping neighbors with yard work or other duties.
Teaching by Faith
At St. Joseph Parish School we live our faith daily with the children and understand the strong role a Catholic education provides. Our curriculum includes education in Religion, daily prayer, and weekly masses or prayer services. The SJPS promise to our students is to pass on the Catholic faith, seek Christ in our daily lives, and help students fulfill their God-given potential.
Raising the Bar
In addition to the standard curriculum, SJPS continues to offer valuable instruction that many schools have eliminated due to budget constraints. Our students not only learn math, reading, science, social studies, and religion, but also music, handwriting/cursive, technology, art, physical education, and Spanish as part of the weekly curriculum. Students enjoy our large library, piano lessons, and field trips. We continue to offer STEM, athletics, band, choir, and our annual musical in grades 4th—8th. Additionally, we provide 1:1 technology of iPads or Chromebooks and advanced math and language arts opportunities.
Enrollment is open for the 2025-26 school year!
Registration can be completed online.
CALL: (262) 375-6505 Ext 0
EMAIL: schooloffice2@stjosephgrafton.org
ONLINE: Contact Us
Welcome to the Private School Choice Programs Application Process
Enjoy a St. Joseph Fish Fry this Lent!
St. Joseph Parish School Annual Fund
Our exceptional, faith based education is made possible by generous donations from Alumni, family, friends and Parishioners.
Please Support SJPS
The Annual Fund donations go directly to our Operating Budget to make Catholic Education affordable.
Donate On-line: St. Joseph Parish Pushpay
(Checks can be dropped off at our school or Parish offices.)
See how your donation helped our students succeed in 2023-24!
Calling All Alumni!
St. Joseph Parish School is starting to compile contact information from our Alumni. Please take a moment to share your current contact information. All information shared will remain confidential and only be used by St. Joseph Parish School. We would love to be able to communicate with our former graduates and learn where everyone has ended up!
If you sign up, you will receive this newsletter straight to your inbox!