Grief Support

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”
Matthew 5:4

Death and loss are a natural part of life that most of us will have to endure.  Grieving with the support of the Catholic faith is a unique experience; our values, ideas, and traditions play an integral role in how we view and process grief.  Through the groups here at St. Joseph Parish, you will be introduced to grief resources that will allow you to reconnect with your faith, find hope through prayer, and learn once again what the bible teaches us about death and dying.

Grief Support

Meet in Spring and November
Spring Session: April 30th, May 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th
Next Session: November 8th

Talking with a Child About Death

by Mary DeTurris Poust

Prayer While Grieving

By Becky Eldredge

How to Handle Grief

by Jack Miller

For further information on this group or to find out how you can become involved please contact:
Sheri Hanson, Pastoral Associate,, (262) 375-6500, Ext. 175

Bereavement Ministry
Programs, support groups and resources for those who are grieving.