The Hands of Christ...
Open to All
St. Joseph Parish Ministries of:
Wayne Larrivee Talks Faith & Football
September 27th
Character counts, and a positive fit with the team brings out everyone’s best. This was one of the messages shared by Wayne Larrivee, the Voice of the Green Bay Packers, as he shared stories and wisdom from his career in sports broadcasting. Over 100 people filled the Gatheirng Hall for the event on September 27, which was hosted by the St. Joseph Men’s Group. Much gratitude goes out to Wayne and to all the volunteers who made this happen.
The prayers of the Rosary come from an excellent source — Our Lord
Inspired Scripture, and from the Church — it is not surprising that the Rosary is so dear to our Blessed Mother and so powerful with heaven
175th Anniversary
As we remember...
Share Your Memories!
As we celebrate our 175th Anniversary, please share a short written memory or a photo of your favorite times at St. Joseph Parish.
Please send them to Sheri Hanson(262) 825-6536 /