Human Concerns

We are a community of believers who create an awareness of the poor &
address the causes of injustice, while providing opportunities to be blessings
to each other.

For more information please see Catholic Social Teaching

The Catholic Church proclaims that human life is sacred & that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. This belief is the foundation of all the principles of our social teaching. In our society, human life is under direct attack from abortion & euthanasia. The value of human life is being threatened by cloning, embryonic stem cell research, & the use of the death penalty. The intentional targeting of civilians in war or terrorist attacks is always wrong. Catholic teaching also calls on us to work to avoid war. Nations must protect the right to life by finding increasingly effective ways to prevent conflicts & resolve them by peaceful means. We believe that every person is precious, that people are more important than things, & that the measure of every institution is whether it threatens or enhances the life & dignity of the human person.

Human Concerns Committee

The Human Concerns Committee represents St. Joseph Parish by fulfilling our Baptismal call to serve one another. We are to serve the poor, hungry, homeless and those in need of advocacy. This is true whether we serve others in our own church, our local community, Ozaukee County, throughout our state, the United States or the world. Our committee prayerfully discerns and provides assistance and/or service to an array of organizations.

We see Human Concerns as a part of what keeps our parish alive and makes it truly Catholic. Effective outreach and social ministry helps the parish not only do more to serve others, but be more of a reflection of the gospel, of a worshiping and evangelizing people, of a faithful community. It is an essential part of our parish life.

In service of our mission statement, we focus on the “Seven Principles of Catholic Social Teaching”

  • Human Dignity
  • Call to Family Community and Participation
  • Rights and Responsibilities
  • Options for the Poor and Vulnerable
  • Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers
  • Solidarity and Care for God’s Creation

Education is one of the Human Concerns Committee’s main goals, working to provide parishioners with information and formation on a variety of topics as related to Catholic Social Teaching.

Contact: Tim Burke (262) 665-4595 |


Los Toros Mission

Working together with our sister parish in Los Toros, Dominican Republic. We build relationships and solidarity with the residents of this small, impoverished rural village by developing and implementing projects to improve quality of life.

Go to theLos Toros Mission page for more information.



Contact: Joe Schaub,

St. Ben's Meal Program

“God Among Us” with all people.

Reaching out to share a meal and companionship – parishioners, young and old, prepare and donate the meal for St. Ben’s in Milwaukee on the first Friday of each month.

Go to the St Ben’s Meal Program page for more information.

Contact: Susan Federman (262) 339-3390 |

St. Vincent de Paul

Parishioners from St. Joseph Parish and five other area parishes form the St. Vincent de Paul Conference that identifies and serves clients in need of assistance with food, rent, utilities, medications, budgeting and/or transportation in the area.

They also maintain a food pantry at St. Joseph Parish and operate the thrift store in Port Washington.

Go to the St. Vincent de Paul page for more information.

Minister of Care

Jesus shows us by example that we should visit the sick. As a parish we encourage all to share in that ministry by visiting the sick and homebound – bringing them Communion, support and comfort.

  • Ministers of Care visit, pray with, and distribute Eucharist to our elderly, residents of assisted living homes, Lasata, Aurora Medical Center and others who are not able to attend Mass.
  • Regular visits are made on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday mornings.
  • Volunteers are scheduled monthly or more frequently if your schedule permits.

Contact:  Arlene De La Pasqua (262) 618-4366 |

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Parishioners work together to provides hand knit or crocheted shawls to the sick and grieving, as well as hospice care facilities. They work individually in their homes, while some also gather together at the parish to talk as they work.

  • Provide hand knit or crocheted shawls to the sick, grieving families and Hospice care facilities.
  • Enjoy knitting and/or crocheting or the group will help you learn.
  • Meetings—monthly on the 3rd Thursday (no meetings during summer).


Contact:  Carol Arentz (262) or Joan Raasch (262) 618-4046 |