“Hold your eyes on God and leave the doing to Him. That is all the doing you have to worry about.”
~St. Jane Frances de Chantal
Descriptions of prayer are abundant throughout Christian history. “True prayer,” wrote St. Augustine, “is nothing but love.” Prayer should arise from the heart. “Prayer,” said St. John Vianney, “is the inner bath of love into which the soul plunges itself.””Everyone of us needs half an hour of prayer each day,” remarked St. Francis de Sales, “except when we are busy—then we need an hour.” Definitions of prayer are important, but insufficient. There is a huge difference between knowing about prayer and praying. On this issue, the Rule of St. Benedict is clear, “If a man wants to pray, let him go and pray.”
St. John Damascene gave a classic definition of prayer: “Prayer is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God” (CCC, no. 2559, citing St. John Damascene, De Fide Orth. 3, 24).
The Catechism clearly defines prayer as a “vital and personal relationship with the living and true God” (CCC, no. 2558). Prayer is Christian “insofar as it is communion with Christ” (CCC, no. 2565), and a “covenant relationship between God and man in Christ” (CCC, no. 2564).
It is important to remember that we understand prayer through our celebration of the Sacraments and in the Liturgy of the Hours. The word liturgy comes from a Greek term meaning “public work or work done on behalf of the people.”
A work, then, done by an individual or a group was a liturgy on behalf of the larger community. All the worshipers are expected to participate actively in each liturgy, for this is holy “work,” not entertainment or a spectator event. Every liturgical celebration is an action of Christ the High Priest and of his Mystical Body, which is the Church. It therefore requires the participation of the People of God in the work of God.
Liturgy is centered on the Holy Trinity. At every liturgy the action of worship is directed to the Father, from whom all blessings come, through the Son in the unity of the Holy Spirit. We praise the Father who first called us to be his people by sending us his Son as our Redeemer and giving us the Holy Spirit so that we can continue to gather, to remember what God has done for us, and to share in the blessings of salvation.
From the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults
Provides liturgical formation and ministerial opportunities for parish members and service to the assembly.
Membership consists of those who are already involved in some aspect of Ministry of Worship.
Meetings monthly: September through June.
Contact: Parish Office (262) 375-6500
Assist at the Lord’s table during liturgies.
Ages 10 through adult are welcomed. You need to be responsible, dependable, respectful, and committed.
Scheduling is done online allowing for flexibility.
Training is required.
Contact: John Knetzger (262) 375-6500 Ext. 104, Jknetzger@stjosephgrafton.org
Assists in the distribution of the Eucharist with a sense of hospitality and a love of the Eucharist.
Ministers are not scheduled, and will know they are needed by checking the Cross Board when arriving for Mass.
New ministers are welcome and will be contacted for a short training session.
Contact: Fr. Tim Schumaker (262) 375-6500 Ext. 103 tschumaker@stjosephgrafton.org
Greet people, assist in seating, receive the Offertory collection, guide the congregation in receiving the Eucharist, distribute bulletins.
Parishioners over the age of 16 are encouraged to join.
Ushers are assigned to teams which are scheduled to serve at a specific Mass four months each year.
Contact: Parish Office (262) 375-6500
Assist in design, setup, and take down of decorations and/or care of flowers or plants in the worship area.
Artist, interior decorator, seamstress, flower arranger, carpenter, designers are welcome!
Time commitment varies with liturgical season; called upon as needed.
Contact: Fr. Tim Schumaker (262) 375-6500 Ext. 103 tschumaker@stjosephgrafton.org
Audio-visual support during liturgies.
Contact: Parish Office (262) 375-6500
Greet those arriving for Mass.
Arrive in time to begin greeting 15 minutes prior to Mass.
A short training will be provided.
Contact: Parish Office (262) 375-6500
Proclaim the scripture readings and offer prayer petitions at Mass.
Interested parishioners have a deep interest in scripture; are able to read clearly and audibly.
Eye contact is important, but minimal, it is always secondary to effective proclamation on the Word of God.
Contact: Faye Herrick (262) 618-4312, faye@msquad.net
Parish members 18 years of age and older with a love of music and some experience singing.
Weekly rehearsals (Thursday evening) from September through June.
- Sings at one Mass each weekend during those months.
Contact: Parish Office (262) 375-6500
Lead sung prayer at weekend liturgies.
Anyone with a music background is invited to join.
Responsible for preparing prior to scheduled Mass.
Scheduled approximately two times per month.
Contact: Parish Office (262) 375-6500
Provides liturgical formation and ministerial opportunities for parish members and service to the assembly.
Membership consists of those who are already involved in some aspect of Ministry of Worship.
Meetings monthly: September through June.
Contact: Fr. Tim Schumaker (262) 375-6500 Ext. 103 tschumaker@stjosephgrafton.org
Ensure linens used during Mass are available for use.
Instructions for laundering, folding, and ironing are provided.
Each volunteer is assigned a month and is asked to take linens home each week and return them prior to the following weekend’s liturgies.
Contact: Parish Office(262) 375-6500
Prepare altar before Mass.
Clean vessels following Mass.
Scheduled about one each month. Training is provided.
Contact: Fr. Tim Schumaker (262) 375-6500 Ext. 103 tschumaker@stjosephgrafton.org
Monitors candles, hosts and wine supply for parish.
Training is provided.
Contact: Fr. Tim Schumaker (262) 375-6500 Ext. 103 tschumaker@stjosephgrafton.org
Funeral Ministry
Sings at parish funerals.
Individuals who have a love of music are invited to join.
Time commitment (including rehearsals) is about 1-1/2 hours for each funeral.
Contact: Parish Office (262) 375-6500
Greet and be present for families and friends of deceased during visitation when no funeral home is present.
Assist with the placement of flowers, photos, etc.
Orientation is provided.
Contact: Sheri Hanson (262) 375-6500 Ext. 175, shanson@stjosephgrafton.org
Serve as Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers and Altar Servers during funeral liturgies.
Time commitment (including set-up and clean-up) is 1- 1/2 hours.
Training is provided.
Contact: Sheri Hanson (262) 375-6500 Ext. 175, shanson@stjosephgrafton.org
Assist with set-up, serving, and clean-up for a funeral reception or luncheon.
Contact: Sheri Hanson (262) 375-6500 Ext. 175, shanson@stjosephgrafton.org