St Vincent de Paul

We All Need a Little Help Sometimes

St. Vincent de Paul of is a group of lay Catholic volunteers from all walks of life – neighbors helping neighbors.
Assistance may include emergency rent, utilities, food, clothing, household goods and/or referral services.
On a person-to-person basis, members offer help, hope, and encouragement to people in need – an ear to listen, a hand in a time of crisis and a hope to guide people toward programs that can bring lasting change into their lives.

St Vincent De Paul Society

Ozaukee County

St Vincent De Paul Society

Resource List

Learn more about St. Vincent de Paul

Who is this Saint? Story of Saint Vincent de Paul

What is Vincentian Spirituality?

Your Donations / Your Service

Changing the Lives of Everyday People Every Day!

“The most powerful weapon to conquer evil is humility. For, as he does not know at all how to employ it, neither does he know how to defend himself from it.”

St. Vincent de Paul

Spirituality. Friendship. Service. We are the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

We belong to a worldwide network of 800,000 lay Catholics, we are inspired by Gospel values to grow in holiness and build a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.
We are men and women of every age, every race, every income level, who share our blessings of time, talent, and treasure with those who need help and hope.
From the thrift stores and food pantries, to disaster recovery and prison reentry, to advocacy and systemic change, we serve our communities however they need it most. No work of charity is foreign to the Society.

Like the Good Samaritan, we’re ready to help anyone regardless of religion, age, or background.

The National Council serves nearly 90,000 faith-filled Vincentian volunteers across the country, providing resources, spiritual formation, and best practices for more than 4,000 local Conferences and 500 Councils across the country.

Why not join us?

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul exists to help people in need.

Identifies clients in need of assistance with food, rent, utilities, medications, budgeting and/or transportation.

We maintain a food pantry at St. Joseph Parish, and in partnership with 5 other St. Vincent de Paul conferences, operate a thrift store in Port Washington.

The Society Thrift Store plays an important role in providing assistance to those in need.

Through a staff of paid employees and volunteers we work to collect, evaluate and merchandise a variety of donated goods.

This merchandise provides a low cost shopping alternative of quality goods to individuals and families.

Those who can’t afford the clothing, furniture and other household items are provided for through a Vincentian initiated referral system.

Additional members are needed in all levels of membership, especially at our thrift store:

1) Active Members: Meetings: Twice monthly in addition to meeting with clients as needed.

2) Associate members: Help with special events and work at the SVDP Thrift Store and meal site.

3) Contributing members: donate funds on a regular basis.

4) Youth members: contact us for more information.

Contact: Sandy Bentley-Williams (651) 343-6834

Visit the St. Vincent de Paul-Ozaukee County for more information…