Time, Talent, & Prayer

Your talent is God's gift to you,
What you do with it is your gift back to God.

Our parish family is a community, a living mosaic. Our individual contributions are needed to make it complete, and that said, we know it will always be changing, as individual portions are transformed and new parts are gladly welcomed.

The Time, Talent and Prayer brochure, focuses on opportunities for the shared gifts and service which breathe life into our mission.

Family and friends often serve together, and on the journey, make new friends. There are plenty of opportunities which do not require meetings and only gather as needed. If you have life and/or work experience to share, we are eager to hear from you!

If you have a gift not tapped in the book, let us know!

There is a perfect spot for you.

As we strengthen and support our ministries, we have found that our volunteers reach out to us and volunteer more frequently when our ministries and committees are active.

Because opportunities to get involved in our parish happen throughout the year we will communicate these occasions for you to help and volunteer as they come up.

Feel free to contact our Director of Stewardship, Madonne Rauch  at (262) 375-6500 Ext. 122 or send an email to mrauch@stjosephgrafton.org